Jul 15, 2013 | photography, surreal
The jaw-dropping effects that photo-manipulation technology allows for kind of takes my breath away. Especially the works by Erik Johansson, a photographer and retoucher from Sweden who’s currently working in Berlin. He sees photography as an outlet that allows his ideas to be fully realized, trying to make each image look as realistic as possible.
“I don’t capture moments, I capture ideas,” he says. “I get inspired by things around me in my daily life and all kinds of things I see.”

Watch Erik’s TED Talk for more:
For more of Erik’s work, see his website.
Source: Visual News.
Apr 30, 2013 | apropos//ts, art with
Are faces our identities? Are they what make us different, set us apart? If there are seven billion people alive right now, are there any with identical faces? Or do we embody the people who came before us, wearing the face of a great-grandmother or uncle instead of a new one we think is our very own? These artworks take away the faces, showing people but hiding what makes them identifiable. It makes each figure more universal but also leaves you with an eerie feeling, like they have something to hide for a reason.
Hover for descriptions!
1. Bernhard Handick, Fine
Feathers Make Fine
Birds (2012)
[zl_mate_code name=”Green Dynamic” label=”4″ count=”1″ who=”div” text=”Just a black shirt against white, there’s a neck and a hint of chin but his skin blends into the background and his face evaporates in an instant.
All that’s left is the long trunk of a man who’s quickly fading.”]

[/zl_mate_code] Source: razorshapes.tumblr.com
2. Thomas Devaux, Les Visages
et La Main
[zl_mate_code name=”Pink Dynamic” label=”1″ count=”1″ who=”div” text=”They looks like sisters, but the one turned away holds her hand to the other’s breast unapologetically. Their faces can be seen, but they’re smudged and the eyes are empty. The woman being touched leans her head back at an angle that’s only slightly crooked, and it’s creepy and mysterious, like she’s somehow disturbed.”]

[/zl_mate_code] Source: anitaleocadia.tumblr.com
3. Clare Elsaesser, So
Much (2013)
[zl_mate_code name=”Orange Dynamic” label=”3″ count=”1″ who=”div” text=”This girl’s nose peeks through so she has a face, but most of the rest of it is masked by flowers.
She stands against a pale blue background with her arms folded and doesn’t seem to notice the clusters of pink petals smothering her figure.”]

[/zl_mate_code] Source: this isn’t happiness
4. Delaney Allen, Hidden
Self (2012)
[zl_mate_code name=”Green Dynamic” label=”4″ count=”1″ who=”div” text=”A man standing in the sand faces us head on. We can see everything from his stylish leather shoes to his checkered button-down with the sleeves casually rolled up.
His face is the only part we can’t see – sand streaks across the frame and his head is lost in a cloud of white.”]

[/zl_mate_code] Source: likeafieldmouse.com
5. Faceless from The Nightmare
[zl_mate_code name=”Blue Dynamic” label=”2″ count=”1″ who=”div” text=”An archaic looking image in black and white, a man turns his face toward the light and it looks like someone took an eraser to the whole thing.
His face is washed out by the light completely, becoming nothing but empty space.”]

[/zl_mate_code] Source: thelinktoheaven.tumblr.com
6. Photography from Kyle
[zl_mate_code name=”Pink Dynamic” label=”1″ count=”1″ who=”div” text=”In this conceptual photograph his face is covered by a long white sheet that spirals out towards the frame, lifting his body as the rest of him hangs straight down.”]

[/zl_mate_code] Source: beautiful decay