It’s hard for me to even mention the horrific tragedy that happened on Friday at an elementary school of all places, but I think it’s really important that we all express how disgusted we are with it so something can actually change this time. I wanted to voice my opinion on the matter, but a Google search of “anti-gun violence paintings” almost made me throw up. This is the saddest, most avoidable event that happens every day in America now. In fact, 15 of the past 24 worst mass shootings in the world over the last 50 years have happened in the United States.
This is an issue that needs to be fixed before more children are put in danger by someone desperate who should not have lawful access to a weapon capable of killing. So I’ve found a selection of artworks to calm our minds and our hearts, because those little children are precious and they deserved to live in a world more like these paintings.
“Open Book,” found here. |
In Ezra Klein’s fantastic Washington Post piece about how we can go about making our world safer he writes, “Only with gun violence do we respond to repeated tragedies by saying that mourning is acceptable but discussing how to prevent more tragedies is not. “Too soon,” howl supporters of loose gun laws. But as others have observed, talking about how to stop mass shootings in the aftermath of a string of mass shootings isn’t “too soon.” It’s much too late.”
Digital art by William J. Thompson, found here.
From Academy Art, found here. |
Found on Blogspot here. |
From Daily Painters found here. |
Ivan Aivazovsky, “Clouds Above a Sea Calm,” 1889, from Wikipaintings found here. |
“Looking Back,” digital art found here. |
“Calm Sunset” by Leonid Afremov, from Fine Art America, found here
“Kingfisher,” found here. |
“Quiet Moment,” by Christopher Clark, found here. |
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