Katerina Bodrunova’s Balancing Act

Girls balance on chairs in impossible ways, their limbs lifted and poised far above ground but they still don’t fall. They’re frozen in place by photo manipulation, caught in time between the leap and the fall, between sky and land. Their bodies defy gravity and anything else that might try to keep them grounded, their soft ivory skin against a dull brown textured background as they float like angels before us.

The girl below holds her hand to her mouth and looks out at us embarrassed, as if she’s just rung the bell she holds when she knew she wasn’t supposed to. Her peach dress wraps around her like a tube, letting her legs poke out like two long sticks that bend and extend and keep her in the air.



Most of the girls are left unclothed, their bodies long and skinny, stretched out like taffy across the chairs and space. That simple brown wooden chair and the gold bell are the only two props that make appearances, besides the occasional peach dress that both covers and reveals. The chair props up each girl in different ways as she seems to float above it, and the bell weighs her down with an invisible noise, its shiny gold surface against all the browns and ivories that surround it.


Bodrunova explains that many of her photographs “defy conventional physics and show her subjects as weightless objects with an ability to transcend space and time.”

“Sometimes we change the space around us to fit our ideas and sometimes space, place, or time dictates their rules. We can fight or we can embrace, the choice is ours.”


Katerina Bodrunova is a self taught 28-year-old Russian photographer whose works have been shown all over Moscow and London, along with every other big city in Europe since she first began her professional career in 2009. Since then she’s been featured in magazines from Seoul to Pittsburg, and you can also find her works on Saatchi Online.


See more of Katerina Bodrunova’s work on her website and her Flickr.