An artist from Athens, Greece, Teodosio Sectio Aurea paints with shadows, using sculpture and light to recreate masterpieces in negative space. He takes us through a tour of art history using different types of sculpture to match each shadow — thick black metal for “Guernica,” a cherry blossom tree forms a woman in “Akina – spring flower,” and DNA beads form the “Vitruvian Man.”

How does living in Athens affect your art?
I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world. Socrates, from Plutarch said Greece is the most beautiful places on Earth.
When did you first start experimenting with shadow art?
I started my shadows one year ago, I just sort of ”woke up” you know?
Some shadows are difficult, but nothing is impossible.
What’s one of your favorite quotes about art?
“In art we trust.”
For more of Teodosio Sectio Aurea’s work, see his website and Facebook page.