Times Square Art Square 2012

Times Square Art Square is this fantastic art organization that’s working to replace the billboards in Times Square with dedicated art installations for one whole year of every month. I’m not sure if that means the art will replace the lights or have to incorporate them, but it’s also working to conserve energy so at the very least I imagine the artworks will involve less light.

This is the ultimate goal of the organization – right now they’re raising money on Kickstarter and going through the proper permit channels to be allowed a semi-permanent takeover of Times Square. According to their FAQ page their hoping to be able to launch something in spring 2013 so fingers crossed!

Wouldn’t you much rather see beautiful art on an impossibly large scale instead of girls dancing in American Eagle jeans and Coke bottles fizzing? It’s interesting to compare the two tourist spots: iconic ad-ridden places like Times Square and museums or galleries like the Met. I imagine the way people think they ought to view the two outings would be very different. After all, you go drinking in Times Square and enter with hushed tones in most museums. But either way you’re looking, and you’re there to look – and if people were more laid back in museums the way they are in Times Square I bet more people would actually want to go. No Elmos or other costumed creepers allowed.

For more check out the Times Square Art Square site here.
Donate to the project through their Kickstarter page here.

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