Chicago Museum Breakdown: the MCA and Art Institute

A million thanks to my boyfriend’s family who let me tag along on their family vacation to Chicago last week. They took me to the Shedd Aquarium, on an Architecture River Cruise, and stuck it out with me through (almost) both museums! Thanks to them I now have two great collections to add to my mini online database of photos, posts, and descriptions.

 Four days in Chicago means we only had time for the highlights, so I chose to check out the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) Chicago and the Art Institute of Chicago.

MCA Chicago The Art Institute of Chicago

Open Tuesdays
and Wednesdays-Sundays
10am-5pm (closed Mondays)
Open Thursdays
and Mondays-Sundays

  • Skyscaper: Art and Architecture Against Gravity
  • Heidi Norton’s Plants on the verge of a natural breakdown

  • Roy Lichtenstein: A Retrospective
  • European Modern Art, 1900-1950 – 3rd floor
  • Impressionism Galleries – 2nd floor
  • American Modern Art, 1900-1950 – 2nd floor 

I’ll be publishing more in-depth posts on both museums in the next couple of days, so stay tuned if you want more info and descriptions on these beautiful places and all the wonderful art they contain. There’s nothing like walking into a brand new museum for the first time.

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