An actual exhibit at the MoMA in New York City. Photo via Embarrassment of Riches.
Have you ever been to an art museum or gallery and thought, “This couldn’t have taken more than 10 minutes to make… What is it doing here and how is it art?” That feeling is what first motivated me to write, because like Ron Swanson says, anything can be art. And that’s all very nice and open-minded, but I’ve seen everything from literal trash to completely empty rooms in museums, and it just irks me because there’s so much substantive work out there that deserves love and appreciation!
This blog is dedicated to those beautiful, substantive things – the designs, movies, paintings and performances that took the effort and energy of talented creatives to come into existence. The most powerful works are made with both concept and beauty in mind, so I scour the internet to find pretty things that mean something.

One of my absolute favorite artworks. Fritz Zuber-Bühler’s Birth of Venus, 1887.
This blog is titled things worth describing for three reasons:
- It has an open focus on things – illustration, books, movies, music, tv, anything. I want to cover art in every medium, but painting, sculpture and design are my three favorites.
- I only write about what’s worth sharing, because there’s too much of that already to waste time on negative reviews or criticism.
- All posts include a physical description of the works so that they can speak for themselves. I try to point out aspects you might not have noticed in a glance.
I think that by combining forthright writing with beautiful art, our lofty convoluted art world can reach the masses – and isn’t that the point? Art isn’t just for those who get it. It’s for all of us to interpret and take from it what we can. I’ve found those who’ve never stepped foot in a museum or gallery end up having the most important first impressions, because more than anything I believe that good art communicates, it doesn’t confound.